To old friends and new readers, welcome.
I’ve never written a blog before. I’m not even sure I’ve ever read one. But as I write my second novel, Dog Days, the need to share what I’m learning keeps popping up. I’ve been told a blog is the way to go, so I’m giving it a try. Not interested in writing? No problem. I’ll write about lots of other things, too.
The blog is interactive, so please post your thoughts in the reply section. I look forward to hearing from you all.
If obsessive recyclers were a recognized breed, I wouldn’t qualify. Still, I carefully examine everything plastic before throwing it in the garbage, looking for the elusive glyph that says Recycle Me.
There has been a lot of chatter in the news lately about transgender children, and more than enough hysteria about whether or not they should have “treatment.”
It was bound to happen sometime. The whole blog thing was just too easy. I’ve been wracking my brain since the Vaccine was posted, but no new topic has appeared.
“They have two appointments in Springfield today,” said Ron at 7:30 a.m. “It’s not such a long drive....” He studied the screen some more and brightened up.
Yesterday was Valentine’s Day. I received exactly one valentine, courtesy of FB Messenger, from my one and only grandson, Aidan. His wish for a happy day touched my heart.
Face blindness is inconvenient and embarrassing, but DTD can be downright dangerous.
I’ll admit it. I’m a Word Nerd. I love words. I’m even more passionate about grammar and usage, making me a card-carrying member of the Grammar Police.
Stuck at home for Thanksgiving, with both my kids stuck in theirs, writing a holiday blog was hard going.
The election is over, and I’m a wreck. When my pulse slows down, I’ll probably sleep for a week.
With Lyft, Uber, and fleets of taxis eager to carry passengers, many people never need—or want—to learn to drive. For those of us who do, however, the process can be a challenge.