Now That The Party's Over...
As of this minute, I’m declaring “Get-over-it Friday.” No more living on cable news. No more fighting my husband for the New York Times. No more midnights tallying votes in my head. I’ve voted, and I’m done.
If you’re anything like me, voter exhaustion has hit you hard. Turn off the TV, send your partner out for takeaway, and have a good long nap with your furry best friend.
I’ve learned a few things this election cycle: 1) Don’t give your email address to anyone (or any what) you don’t know. You might miss out on a little immediate news, but you won’t have to delete 90-plus emails every morning. Buy a paper and get your news the old-fashioned way or catch up on MSNBC or--dare I say it? On Fox.
Don’t send campaign contributions electronically, no matter how dire the need. As soon as you do, your inbox will be full of fundraisers masquerading as opinion polls. The unspoken threat is very loud: If you don’t contribute right this very minute, we will fail--and it will be all YOUR fault! For the past month I’ve received an awful lot of these, and they cast a pall over breakfast. If you want to donate to a cause, do yourself a favor and send a check.
Anyway. The election’s over, and I’m back on the computer, trying to make sense of Mail Chimp. It can’t be all that hard to send emails to 200 subscribers with the click of a key or two, but call me stupid, I just can’t figure it out.
To all of you have left comments on stories or blogs, thank you. Ten minutes ago I figured out how to reply: I was doing everything right, except for one small thing: The website needs to be in EDIT mode! Who knew?
Your comments are precious to me. Now that I know how, I’ll catch up with everyone and reply to your comments as they appear.
If you have something to say, you know where to put it.